@ATLFutureUK and @ColletteATL did another fantastic job welcoming new delegates to conference and straight away getting them standing up and sharing their views. It is key to get as many new educational professionals as possible involved in ATL to ensure that we have a strong voice that reflects the views of those at the coalface.
Thankfully this man @TristramHuntMP did attend and stated that he would attend again next year. It remains to be seen whether there is substance behind the confident front cover that he projects. He talked about creativity, a practical curriculum and listening to educational professionals. Not enough was said on OFSTED although he did state it was beginning to strangle the profession.
A satirical comment from @Rodbissett reflected the first big debate of ATL conference 2015 on zero hours contracts. Some professionals believe their can be a use for these contracts (retired teachers looking to supplement their pension) however almost everyone agreed that educational professionals needs effective employment rights and achieving these on a zero hours contract remains difficult.
ATL is a union that listens to the views of it's members and this tweet reflects that as well as the lighthearted side that remains key to a successful conference. Thankfully this tweet was posted onto the main screen at conference alongside some more educational and important ones!
@DBryant_79 highlights the importance that ATL places on Support Staff and again shows the lighthearted indeed comical side of conference. The Graffiti Wall was a fantastic addition and one that i hope to see at #ATLConf2016 and could even become an addition in a corner of my classroom! Support staff are an essential part of education in all establishments allowing learners with ALN to access the mainstream curriculum as well as supporting teachers in the delivery of effective lessons. They are highly valued by teaching staff and need to be valued higher by the UK Government.
@MattMugan brought attention to outside audiences of the emphasis placed on mental health and disabilities at this year's conference. An ATL event featuring @Musicmind in Manchester last year also demonstrated ATL's commitment to making sure that learners and staff are supported mentally and physically within their workplace.
My smiling face reflecting the happiness i have in teaching especially when thinking about what I most like about teaching. The variety and helping children to reach their personal best is the reason I love my job and the increasing desire by those above for evidence with no impact on children's learning is what i most want to change!
No ATL Conference would be complete without high quality CPD and a number of sessions were run throughout the 3 days. This particular tweet focuses on Expeditionary Learning whereby learners make small suggestions that can lead to a dramatic improvement in outcome. Alongside formal CPD though it is fantastic to share ideas with other delegates and their are many take home ideas that can be gleamed through attendance. Take home message for me comes from @realdcameron "without wonder there is no hope!"
Representing Wales as the ATL Future steering group member for Waless was a fantastic experience this year and it was heartening to see a larger number of delegates from Wales and more Welsh spoken on stage. ATL is a UK wide union and it is important that the views of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are both considered and valued. This year that appeared to be increasingly evident.
Conference 2015 is now all said and done,
Attendee's would admit it's been tremendous fun.
Important motions that display our diversity
Inspiring talks that have inspired creativity
Debates that at times really got heated,
Most motion's carried some lost and defeated.
Contrasting views are at the heart of what we do,
Best way to investigate idea is to have it debated with you.
Alongside motions the CPD and networking's been great,
Attending conference dinner, socialising, avoiding being late.
Conference rose to give Mary Bousted deserved ovation
All ATL's education professionals have shaped education.