I am now entering the
third year of my Masters in Education through Wales MEP and feel it is worth
reflecting on why i'm glad i'm still studying on it.
started the MEP at the same time as my NQT year there was a clear split between
colleagues who had completed their PGCE and their motivation towards further
study. Approximately half were keen to embrace the challenge and the rest were
keen to stop studying and simply focus upon their role as a teacher. I would argue
that after studying for two years there is no good reason for not embracing the
masters if you are able to. That said after my first year in teaching I wrote a
post on the lessons learnt in my first year of
teaching reflecting that, "the MEP is hard work (really
hard)" and it is, there is no getting away from it. It really has been
important to prioritise the time spent working on the Masters completing
assignments and learning activities. However as stated then the professional
development gained from it is good and that brings me on to the first reason
why i'm glad i'm still studying.
Quality CPD
regular discussions with educational colleagues through professional networks
such as #primaryrocks and ATL (other
educational chats and unions are available) a lack of high quality CPD is often
mentioned. Throughout the Masters I have completed assignments and therefore
studied, researched, discussed and evaluated data in schools,
barriers to learning, poverty, behaviour, SEN (special educational needs) and
the LNF (literacy and numeracy framework. A breadth of issues across
education that has led to a greater understanding of my role and a definite
improvement in my confidence in approaching these issues within my
classroom and the wider school environment.
MEP has also led to greater opportunity to collaborate with educational
professionals across all four key stages. Students on the masters have a
greater understanding of where learners are coming from and where they are
going as they transition along the path of lifelong learning. Working
with a wide range of education professionals has allowed me as an individual to
both share ideas and discuss experiences from working in education and
therefore learn from others experiences bringing new ideas into my classroom
and helping others bring ideas into theirs. The staff in my school have always
been keen to read the assignments I have written and share the experience I
have gained through the MEP.
MEP is built around the idea of reflective practice and although I have always
argued that reflective practice is an ongoing process that takes place in the
mind actually having the time and being required to complete reflective
practice through writing it down has led to reflection at a much greater level.
One way I have continued my reflective practice is through writing a blog and I
find this both a good way of keeping track of achievements and learning points
from my educational career both reflecting in action and on action a skill
learnt through completing the MEP.
the MEP has involved gaining a greater understanding of pedagogical theory
through reflecting upon my own classroom practice and bringing about
interventions that have had a significant impact on raising standards within my
class and the wider school environment. I am very happy that I chose to study
for my masters and am looking forward to the new challenges that await as I
complete the course this year.